Massage & Your Immunity

One of the things that 2020 has brought us is a renewed appreciation for our health.  A global viral pandemic has brought both mental and physical wellness into focus.  We are looking for ways to protect ourselves and our family.  We are practicing new habits from adding in additional vitamin D to our diets, increasing the amount of hand-washing we do to wearing masks.  


Massage probably isn’t on the top of the list when it comes to fighting this or other ailments, but research has shown that receiving regular massage therapy helps boost our immune system and flush toxins.  This increases blood flow throughout the body.  Massage also grows the activity of white blood cells that help our body fight diseases.  The circulation of blood and lymph throughout your body slow-down when you do, so if the change of season or working from home has you more sedentary than usual, massage may be just the boost your body needs to protect itself from illness.

When it comes to Covid-19, a healthy, functioning immune system will always be helpful in reducing the effects of the virus, if contracted, and, could possibly be helpful in the prevention of even contracting the virus at all.  This also applies to cold/flu as we are now in ‘that time of year.’ 


Massage is a valuable tool in staying well, as it can help reduce immune-system weakening stress and boost your immune system.  Massage is so complementary to creating a more holistic approach to your overall health and wellness.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about massage or even adding in aromatherapy to help support stronger immune systems and your healthy lifestyle.